Cider Brewing Made Simple

Cider Brewing Made Simple

Cider is the most simple home fermentation project and one I recommend to anyone looking to get into the hobby and spend the least amount of money. No need to fret over the often times complicated directions that are too detailed for your first cider. Making cider is easy and as long as you are sanitary and follow these steps you'll have great cider in no time. Details come later, cider comes now!

Sanitize Everything.

Pour aerated (preservative free!) cider into a fermentation vessel. To aerate, empty half the jug of cider into the fermentation vessel and then shake the hell out of the jug and pour the rest into the vessel.

Pitch your favorite yeast
and wait two + weeks.

Not so bad, right? If you want more details about cider brewing, check out our Cider Brewing page or buy a great book about it . If you don't have any equipment yet checkout our Small Ciderhouse post and pickup your stuff from for a great deal & free shipping. If you already have a kegging setup I recommend trying out the method I use for my Fresh Cider; naturally carbonating and serving from the same keg!

Once you've made your first cider then you can start to worry about the details and begin to improve. Plenty of advice and other Simple tutorials here.

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